Friday, February 7, 2025

Morgan Turney and Canadian Railway Modeller: A Life in Trains

      Morgan, right, in his natural setting: A Train show

So I've been thinking about my friend Morgan Turney, who died Feb. 6, and his impact on the hobby of model railroading . . .

It was a Thursday night in 1989. Winnipegger Morgan Turney was at the Golden Spike Hobby Shop, hanging out with other model railroaders. That night, some new model railroad magzines came in. As Turney looked at the magazines, all produced in the U.S., he realized: There’s no Canadian content. 

“That’s when a light went on,” he recalled. “I asked myself, ‘Why don’t I start a Canadian model railroad magazine?” That night, the idea for Canadian Railway Modeller (CRM) was born. 

The path from that Thursday night gathering in a hobby shop to the first issue of CRM started in Hamilton, Ont. where Turney, 77, was born. 

“I grew up four houses away from the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo (TH&B) tracks,” he said. “As a youngster, I was lulled to sleep at night by the distant sounds of steam whistles and diesel horns as trains made their way on both the TH&B and the Canadian National Railway line further south, on their way to and from the Niagara Peninsula. My love of trains goes back a long way.” 

But it was a visit to a local model railroader when he was eight-years-old that sparked a passion for model railroading. “My dad took me to see it. When I saw the trains running through scenic rock cuts and disappearing into tunnels, I was hooked. I got the model railroading bug.” 

But before that bug turned into CRM, Turney finished high school, joined the military—where he trained in Shilo, Manitoba—and worked in the grocery business in southern Ontario. 

In 1987, while he was with Maple Leaf Mills as a grocery store representative, the company asked if he would be willing to transfer to Winnipeg. 

“It wasn’t a hard decision to make,” he said of deciding to move to Winnipeg with his wife, Carol. “From my time in the military, I liked Manitoba. It was easy to make a life here.” 

But soon after the couple relocated, Maple Leaf Mills was sold and his job was eliminated. The following year was hard. “I had a few no-name jobs for a couple of years, including selling men’s suits, before I got the idea to start the magazine,” he said. 

Before publishing his first issue in May, 1990, Turney decided to see if there was actually a demand for it in Canada. The way he decided to find out was by attending the annual Toronto train show—one of the largest model railroad events in the country back then. Over the course of a weekend, 600 hundred people bought subscriptions. “It showed me there was a hunger for a magazine that specialized in Canadian trains and modelling,” he said. 

Even with that kind of support, creating the magazine wasn’t without risk. Turney used money from his severance and a bank loan to launch CRM—he put a lot on the line. 

It worked. At its peak, it had about 3,800 subscribers. “It was never huge, but it was enough to keep the business afloat,” Turney said. 

From the start, Turney’s goal was to showcase the work of Canadian model railroaders—people who would likely never have a chance to see their layouts or models appear in the bigger U.S. publications. “I received some excellent articles about some amazing modelling,” he said. 

Turney also wanted to show the big American companies, the main manufacturers of model railroad items, there was a market for Canadian products. “Before I started, there were hardly any products for Canadian railways available,” he said. “It was hard to find locomotives or rolling stock painted in Canadian schemes.” 

Today, things are different. Now people who model Canadian railways have a rich variety of products to choose from American companies like Athearn, Atlas, Bowser, InterMountain, Walthers and others. 

At the same time, Turney also wanted to give a boost to Canadian manufacturers. Today there are successful companies such as Rapido Trains, Pacific Western Rail Systems and Prairie Shadows—businesses that didn’t exist when he started the publication. 

“I like to think the magazine played a key role seeing all that happen,” Turney said of the growth in Canadian model railroad items and companies.  

One person who knows that is true is Jason Shron, founder and owner of Rapido Trains. 

“When I started Rapido, I relied on CRM to advertise my resin LRC kits to the Canadian market, and the magazine was largely responsible for the success of those models,” he said. “Morgan was a major part of the Canadian model railroad community for more than a generation.” 

The magazine, which was published six times a year, also played a role in promoting the hobby in Canada by giving clubs and others a way to promote their shows, along with providing hobby shops an inexpensive way to become better known. It was also a source of information about the prototype, publishing information about railways in Canada in each issue. 

CRM had some interesting quirks, such as titling issues by Train and Track—not by month or year. (Something that was later changed.) And Americans had to pay more; the last issue was $8.45 in Canada, but $9.95 in the U.S. 

“I’m a proud Canadian, and I wanted to make that point through the magazine every way I could,” he said, explaining the reverse exchange rate. 

In addition to the magazine, Turney published other things through North Kildonan Publications, the publisher of CRM. This included Canadian train-themed Christmas cards, postcards and collector cards (which he liked giving out to children at train shows), books like the Canadian Railway Heritage Guide, which provided information about Canada's railway museums and attractions, and Railfan Canada, a prototype magazine that ran for three years. 

Turney also produced art prints, lapel pins, collectible HO scale CRM box cars and even a CRM license plate holder—something that dovetailed nicely with his other passion for Chrysler cars. 

In between, he found time to do some of his own modelling, although his beloved TH&B layout in the basement had to be dismantled to make space for stacks of back issues of CRM and other items associated with his publishing business. 

He was also president of the Winnipeg Model Railroad Club and program director, and helped organize national and international conventions that came to Winnipeg. And he founded Winnipeg’s fall train show, back in the early 1990s; today it is known as Mega Trains. 

He did it all from his basement in Winnipeg. Carol looked after the books, while he was publisher, editor, circulation manager and mailer—he drove bags of magazines to the local post office in his pick-up truck for mailing to readers around the world. 

Turney hoped the magazine could continue with a new publisher when it was time for him to retire. But the Internet, with its easy and free access to information about model railroading, coupled with a decline in subscribers and drop in advertising—the same things that affected other small magazines across North America—meant CRM was no longer sustainable. The final issue appeared in summer, 2017. It was a remarkable 27-year run. 

Looking back, Turney draws satisfaction from the contribution the magazine made to the hobby in Canada. 

“It took me and the whole Canadian model railroad community to heights we never would have dreamed reachable as Canadian modellers,” he said. “The success of the magazine put Canadian railway modelling on the model railway map in North America. It was responsible, in many ways, for the many Canadian highly-detailed and quality products that came out of U.S. and now Canada, and also for helping Canadian manufacturers get a start.” 

It was hard work, he added, and took a lot of effort. “But it was also a lot of fun. I met some wonderful people and made many good friends across the country. I have no regrets.” 

(I interviewed Morgan for this article the week before he died.)

Comments about Morgan from model railroaders 

William Needham: “I enjoyed being with Morgan and Carol. In the late 1980's and early 1990's when the spring Toronto train show was held at either the International Center or the Congress Center i would meet Morgan with the rest of the Winnipeg mob for the weekend. On their return trip to Winnipeg Morgan and Carol would overnight at my place in Schreiber. In either 1990 or 1991 I made arrangements for Carol and Morgan to go west on train 955 Schreiber to Thunder Bay and I would drive their auto to Thunder Bay. Well Morgan took pictures and videos along the north shore of Lake Superior while Carol ran the engine. At the bridge at Nipigon Morgan asked if it would be possible to stop and get a picture of the train on the bridge. Not only was the stop made but the train was backed up and Carol lifted the train for the photo -op. Time and memories never to be had again.” 

Clare Gilbert: “CRM gave budding Canadian manufacturers a platform to show their wares. Thinking of you Morgan.” 

Eric Gagnon: “The birth of CRM was seismic in the Canadian market.” 

Mike Salfi: “I have had several model railroad articles, both CN and CP, published in CRM and am grateful to Morgan for providing such an excellent magazine allowing modelers to share their work. Meeting Morgan at the Toronto train shows back in the day also proved how easy it was to talk with him and share thoughts.” 

Glen Brosinsky: “Morgan and Carol first met my wife Marg and I at one of the earliest SuperTrain shows in Calgary, many, many years ago. When CRM was in its infancy.  It’s been a long time since then and I have always endorsed and promoted his business endeavors with photographs, editing and general support.  He was a ground breaker by publishing CRM for Canadians, when the whole train and modeling industry was controlled by US interests.  It was such a wonderful pleasure to see Canadian content and meet fellow Canadian modellers through CRM, thanks to him.  He opened so many eyes to the fact that the world wasn’t just Athearn, Model Railroader etc. Morgan is one of those great guys you don’t forget!  He is funny and knowledgeable, kind and considerate, charismatic with an unmistakable and infectious laugh.” 

Steve Hoshel: “I have enjoyed reading CRM over the years. There is still some uniquely Canadian prototypes that haven't been made R-T-R yet but have been covered in the pages of CRM. Morgan also kindly drove three of us to the Fort La Reine Museum in Portage La Prairie during a railfan outing to the diamond. This was while the Golden Rails 2005 convention was held in Winnipeg.” 

Joel Sch: “CRM was a great little magazine from a different time and approach to its subject. It seemed to revel in being small, sometimes hokey (in a very good way), and always humble, and played to those strengths perfectly. It read like a really well-presented club newsletter, with stories about layouts, modelling projects, prototype and modelling news and good, topical editorial content. It really felt close to a community. I still enjoy re-reading the issues, and miss that type of communication. I never met Morgan, but am very grateful for what he created and the enjoyment it gave me. I wish him and his family peace and comfort.” 

David Emmington: “Morgan has contributed so much to the railfan and Railway Model community. I and others enjoyed Morgan's company at Portage during a convention in Winnipeg. That was a great adventure, that tall whip antennae caught all the action. Thank you, Morgan.” 

Gord Darling: “CRM was our Canadian rail modelling “go to” source for years. Thank you, Morgan. 

Solvo Mo Velico: “The only magazine I have been published in.” 

John Garven: “I was a subscriber since issue #2. It jumped out on the newsstand!” 

Chris Paxton: “Your Canadian model railway content was wonderful and is missed.” 

Frank McArthur: “I knew Morgan when I was posted to Winnipeg, 2006 -2015. A consummate gentleman, always willing to talk Trains. Between my involvement in the AVR, #1 Northern, and WMRC, he was always friendly to me. His Magazine is a great source of info that I was glad to find. I managed to get a copy of the 20th anniversary digital collection!” 

Bill Trbovich: “I have always enjoyed reading the CRM over the years, it continues to be a resource I rely upon as I build my first layout.” 

Scott Gibson: “I enjoy the hobby and enjoy the trains. I truly loved the magazine cuz it was based on Canadian information Canadian equipment and Canadian manufacturers for the most part. I missed it when they stopped printing it. The other magazines are nice but truly he did a great job of promoting Canada.” 

Chris Bayley: “I miss that magazine a lot.” 

David Winter: “I have kept every issue of CRM in pristine condition in hopes of collecting that last issue. Morgan helped me a lot in getting my few contributions published and it also helped me a lot in dealing with folks in other popular MR magazines and videos. Thanks Morgan.” 

Brian Harvey: “I had joy of meeting him when l was chairman of the PNR model railway show in Regina. He was a great person to talk to about the hobby. On our way by bus to Moose Jaw we stopped at a r/r service depot and he came busy taking pictures,  when time to go we checked and was sure that he was with us. Any how one of the employees at the facility picked him up and eventually he caught up to bus and allow him to join us for the rest of the trip by. 

Colin Bayley: “I miss his magazine a lot. There was a lot of scratchbuilding and kitbashing talent showcased in it before all the Canadian prototype models started coming out. Those were good days in the hobby for me.” 

Eric Gagnon: “I was a subscriber since the inaugural issue. The newsy and even folksy magazine grew and alerted modellers in the U.S., across Canada and around the world to how much modelling was being done here. It provided a springboard for Canadian model railway manufacturers large and small. Morgan, John and his staff and contributors had a vision and they acted upon it providing a body of work over many years—a mix of model and prototype reference material. I clipped and then recycled my TRAINS magazines, but my CRM collection remains intact. Morgan published an article of mine, and corresponded occasionally with me, showing how Canada can be like a big small town at times. Perhaps the biggest tribute I can pay to Morgan and CRM is this: A local modeller with a great, good-sized home HO layout was featured in CRM. In the modeller's obituary, that CRM article was mentioned. It meant so much to that modeller, and to his family, that its publication was mentioned in a short paragraph that summarizes someone's life.” 

Stephen Vallis: “Morgan did more for the hobby in Canada than perhaps almost anyone else, and he's a fine gentleman. I had made a few contributions to CRM and I was in Winnipeg with the army for the floods in 97, thought I would give him a call. He pretty much dropped everything and came around the armoury where we were staying, took me for dinner and toured me around.” 

G.A. Sherret: “I met Morgan once at Super Trains in Calgary and was very impressed with his knowledge of railways and his passion for model railways. A good, decent man.” 

Bill Hadden: “Morgan and I had a great conversation at Mega Trains in Winnipeg. He had so much to give in education and knowledge. I will personally miss our little conversations on running things around Godfrey’s layout and all the great tips he had in perfecting the art side of layouts.” 

John Kroeker: “I was happy when he started CRM. It gave Canadian railway modelers an avenue for participation in the hobby. I remember the joy I felt when he printed my NAR SD28-2 locomotive project.” 

Andrew Paxton: “CRM was great for the Canadian model train hobby. I looked forward to each and every issue when it arrived in the mail. Morgan took the time to meet up with me on one of my business trips to Winnipeg to drop off a copy of Kettle Valley Railway Mileboards that I had purchased through CRM. I had a number of articles and photos published in CRM and I always appreciated Morgan's feedback on where I could improve my photography or if he needed some more photos for an article.” 

Paul Crozier Smith: “CRM was a great Canadian magazine.” 

Mark Penny: “His two magazines (models and prototype) were liked by both Canadian modellers and railfans. He did a lot for local Winnipeg model railroaders, through the years. He also did his fair share of shooting real trains as well.” 

Todd Armstrong: “Way back when CRM started, but before I'd ever heard of it, I had asked my wife to pick me up the latest issue of Railway Modeller magazine from the local newsagent. She came home with issue #1 of CRM and I was hooked. I subscribed and wrote Morgan a letter to tell him of the ironic way I found his publication. Thank you for many years of entertainment.” 

Paul Ullrich: “I was there at the Winnipeg Model Railroad Club meeting in 1989 when he made the presentation about launching CRM. Having been in printing and publishing, I had my doubts about it succeeding. I turned to John Sinclair and said: “I don't think he's going to make it.” John replied: “Neither do I.” Although he knew nothing about publishing a magazine, he managed to produce a quality product. And it helped that Morgan was a salesman by profession. Boy, could he sell! In those pre-Internet days, he barnstormed the country like Johnny Appleseed, planting copies of CRM in every hobby shop in the nation. He knew all the owners of the hobby shops, and then names of their wives and their children, and most of his subscribers, and the names of their wives and children. When an article about the 10th anniversary of CRM written was published in a weekly newspaper, I told him what I said to John Sinclair and apologized for ever doubting him. He took it in great stride and got a good laugh about it.”

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